Um cachorro perdido na cidade reconheceu um pombo-correio que morava perto dele parado numa esquina. Imediatamente, o cachorro tirou um papel do bolso, escreveu algo, colocou o papel no bico do pombo e disse:
-Por favor, leve esta mensagem para o meu
O pombo abriu o bico, deixou cair o papel e disse:
-Tem uma Lan house ali na outra esquina.
O cachorro perguntou:
-Então qual é o seu serviço aqui nesta esquina?
E o pombo respondeu:
-Fazer propaganda para a Lan house.
(Osmar Batista Leal)
The lost dog and the carrier pigeon
A dog lost in the city recognized a carrier
pigeon that lived near him stopped on a corner. Immediately, the dog took a
paper from his pocket, wrote something, put the letter in the beak of the
pigeon and said:
-Please, took this message to my owner.
pigeon opened his beak, let to fall the paper and said:
-There is a lan house on the next corner.
The dog asked:
-Then what is your job here in this corner?
Ant the carrier pigeon answered:
-I make propaganda for the lan house.
Batista Leal)
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