quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014


   A chick entered nervously the Monkey’s bar, went to a corner of the counter, called the monkey and told him:
   -I was spurned by a hen because I am still very small…
   But the monkey interrupted him with another sad history:
   -I don’t sell alcoholic drinks to underage!

  (Osmar Batista Leal) 

    "A longa noite da infância" ,versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


    Two little young female birds sat on a sidewalk, heard the sound from a car passing on the street and started to dance. Two birds that were on an electric cable observed the phenomenon and one of them said:
   -It is inevitable to hear the music from the trend of the men, but we needn’t to dance it.
   And the other bird answered:
   -If our parents hadn’t built nests on tall trees to educate us, we would be also suffering that same influence now!

  (Osmar Batista leal)    

   "As passariinhas" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2014

Osmar Batista Leal and the another dog

     Osmar Batista Leal and the another dog

   Osmar Batista Leal was passing in front of the gate of a house when a dog came barking. Osmar Batista Leal stopped in front of the gate and said:
   -To bark is good to express our condition of dominated life, my friend. But to write fables is better!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

     "Osmar Batista Leal e o outro cachorro" versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2014


   A monkey had a bar and served a magic drink that did to forget the problems. An owl who was psychologist went to the bar and asked for a bottle of that drink. The monkey served the bottle and asked:
    -Today do you want to forget your problems, my friend?
    And the owl answered:
    -Today I want to forget the problems of the others!  

     (Osmar Batista Leal) 

   Un mono tenía un bar y servía bebida mágica que hacía olvidar de los problemas. Un búho que era psocologo se fué a el bar y le pedió una botella de esa bebida. El mono la servió y dijo: 
     -Hoy quieres olvidar sus problemas, amiga? 
     El búho respondió: 
     -Hoy quiero olvidar los problemas de otros!
   (Traduzido em espanhol por: Nelinha C. Bury)

    "Esqueça!", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2014


   A dragon of seven heads went to see the owl who was psychologist:
   -I am suffering a conflict among my seven heads. One of them wants to do anything, the other doesn’t help and the third head destroys what is already done.
   And the own answered:
   -Give credit to the head that wants make and so you will build your sureness with your mistakes and hits…
   But the dragon interrupted:
   But the worst are the other four heads that simply prefer will vote in the dinosaur that will came back to put their order.
   The owl heard the dragon and said:
   -Your problem is very complex… We have to schedule other doctor’s visit for next week.
   And then the dragon answered:
   -In the next week the dinosaur will be already elected!

  (Osmar Batista Leal)  

     "O dragão de sete cabeças contra os dinossauros" versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

domingo, 19 de outubro de 2014


   A dragon of seven heads entered the monkey’s bar and asked for six bottles of vodka. The monkey served the six bottles, but asked the dragon:
   -Won’t one of your heads drink, my friend?
   And the dragon answered:
   -One of them is going to came back driving.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

   "As cabeças" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


   A chick entered a hen house, approached a hen and said timidly:
   -I fell in love with you!
   And the hen laughed and answered scandalously:
   -First, grow up!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)     

    Un pollito entró em el gallinero, se acrecó de una gallina y dijo tímidamente: 
    -Estoy enamorado de ti!
     Pero la gallina sonrió y le respondió escandalosamente:
     -Primero crezca!
        ( Traduzido em espanhol por: Nelinha C. Bury)    

   "O pinto apaixonado", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


   A man entered the monkey’s bar together with a dove. The man asked the monkey for “water the birds don’t drink”. The monkey looked at the drunken face of the dove and asked the man:  
   -Is it only for you, my friend?
   And the man answered:
   -It is only for the dove. I drink only mineral water.
  (Osmar Batista Leal)

 "O homem e a pomba", a versão em portugûes desta fábula encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sábado, 18 de outubro de 2014


      At a table in the monkey’s bar, two bats discussed about politics. One of them said while the other bat drank:
   -And now that the dragon of the seven heads that would throw fire against the corruption in Brazil burned his own heads the dinosaurs will dominate our country again with their politics of footing over the smaller animals.
   The other bat emptied his glass and interrupted:
   -That your long speech angers me. Indeed, the wheel of the suffering    always spins in the same place.
   The bat also finished to drink his glass and contested:
   -The problem isn’t that my speech is long, but is the lack of a new element in the cycle of the History…
   And then the other bat hit with one of the bottles against the table and screamed:
   -The problem is the lack of the wine in our glasses!
   The monkey behind the counter looked at the empty bottles on the table of the bats and answered:
   -Wait a moment, my friends. Aren’t you seeing that the bar is full?       

 (Osmar Batista Leal) 

     "No bar do macaco", a versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sexta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2014


   A flea had a plan to solve the congested transit problem in the city of the fleas and called immediately to her friend that lived on the surface of the same dog:
   -Our transit would clear itself if we fabricate automobiles smaller…
   The other flea laughed and asked:
   -And would all the family fit in those small automobiles?
   The flea continued:
   -The pharmaceutical industry should follow the nanotechnological revolution: Producing drugs to diminish the size of the fleas’ muscles  instead of increasing them.

  (Osmar Batista Leal)  

   "As pulgas e a nanotecnologia ", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2014


   Two robots that were made in the same date worked during the week and walked on the street together on Monday. One of them said:
   -Are you remembering that today is my birthday?
   The other robot answered looking at the floor:
   -Of course.
   The robot continued:
   -Aren’t you going give me a gift?
   And then the other robot stooped down, got a stone and gave it for his friend.
   The robot received the stone but asked another question:
   -What is this?
   The other robot answered:
   -Unwrap it!
   The robot removed himself from his friend, but came back some minutes after and delivered wrapped something for him, saying:
   -I didn’t forget your birthday too.
   The other robot started to unwrap, perceived that it was the same stone and said:

    -You didn’t get to unwrap what I gave you and you unwrapped it still more.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)   
    "Amizade artificial" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


   The propaganda of the project of a mouse to finish with the disorder in the world spread quickly among the cockroaches and thousands of them went to an abandoned library to hear the mouse:
   -I planned and you execute…
   A cockroach was excited with the speech and interrupted it:
   -We will multiply it, mouse. But we need to think about something that makes the new generation of cockroaches adhere to your plan.
   The mouse took a gun from his bag, killed the cockroach and said:
    -I already thought. You just need to execute.   

  (Osmar Batista Leal)     

  "O rato rigoroso", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor. 

domingo, 12 de outubro de 2014


   A spaceship manned by a group of extraterrestrial ants flew over a populous city of the planet Earth and observed a park full of people walking with their dogs. One of the ants focused at one point, pressed a button in the spaceship and brought a big man with his little dog inside. The ant looked at the captured sample and were surprised:
    -I am not seeing unit in that creature.
    The big man saw the giant ants looking at him and left quickly the cord of the little dog to meet the extraterrestrial ants. And then the ant looked at the dog running with the cord around the neck and removing itself from the big man and the ant understood:
    -They are two different bodies!

   (Osmar Batista Leal)   

    "Das estrelas, nos observam " , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES. 

sábado, 11 de outubro de 2014


   Three horses grazed in a field along a road full of cars. One of the horses bothered with the noise of the horns, lifted his head, looked at the congested transit and saw a man putting his head out of the window car and cursing another driver. And then the horse said:
    -At the time when the men traveled mounted on horses, the things were more tranquil.
    The other horses continued grazed and the horse continued saying:
    -Nobody hears what says a horse that thinks. In my next incarnation I want to be only a little cockroach!

   (Osmar Batista Leal)

     "Os carros", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2014


   Two mice were stopped in a corner. A cockroach crossed the street running and one of the mice asked:
    -Are you distracted? Didn’t you see a cockroach passing?
    The other mouse answered:
    -I saw the cockroach passing. She was dressed in a little brown suit.
    The mouse asked again:
    -Then are you unarmed?
    And then the other mouse took a gun from his bag and killed the mouse answering:
    -I was only resting! 

   (Osmar Batista Leal)    

   "A organização", versão em português, desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014


     A cat appeared on a wall and a dog started to bark. The cat jumped out, but he continued looking at the dog. The rage of the dog raised and he run and jumped over the wall towards the cat.
   The cat stayed stopped. The dog approached him, opened his mouth… and said:
    -I jumped the wall, but my raise stayed inside.  

    (Osmar Batista Leal)  

   "O cachorro e o gato" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor. 

sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2014


      A child had a little dog. Every day the child threw an object and the little dog was going to catch and brought it in his mouth.  
   One day the child threw a book. The little dog  got it, but didn’t return it.
   In the following day the child brought clothes and called the little dog. The little dog came, but didn’t want to dress them. And then the child asked:
   -Why don’t you want to dress these beautiful clothes that I bought for you?
   And the little dog said:
   -Do you think that I haven’t brain to create my own style?  

    (Osmar Batista Leal) 

   "Roupinhas para cachorro" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVRANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2014


     A rain with wind fell during electoral campaign on a city and took a big political propaganda material (including several easels) to into a lake. The ducks that lived in there thought it was a divine gift for their stagnant waters, were influenced by the smiling picture on the easels and arranged their political system.
   One of the ducks that applied for governor of the lake said that if he was elected he would depollute the lake…
   But a fish that observed all that nonsense interrupted:
   -And as for your owner propaganda easels, who will take from the lake?

  (Osmar Batista Leal)

   "Aquilo que veio com a chuva", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES, ou com o autor.