quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2014

A maçã semicomida

     Duas formigas encontraram a metade de uma maçã em seu caminho. Uma delas não quis comer a maçã semicomida:
     -Se alguém não quis comer tudo, é porque há problemas com esta fruta.
     Mas a outra formiga começou a comê-la tranquilamente enquanto respondia:
     -O seu conceito se aplicaria à natureza, mas não se aplica à sociedade humana que gosta mais das coisas que causam problemas.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

The half-eaten apple

     Two ants met the half of an apple in their way. One of the ants didn’t want to eat the half-eaten apple:
      -If somebody didn’t want to eat all it, it is because there are problems with this fruit.
      But the other ant started to eat it tranquilly while answered:
     -Your concept would apply for the nature, but it doesn’t apply for the human society that like more of the things that cause problems.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)      


terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014

Comida rápida

     Um homem pediu uma marmita sem carne, mas depois de alguns minutos, ele voltou correndo ao restaurante:
      -Encontrei duas perninhas dentro da minha marmita!
      O dono do restaurante ouviu a reclamação. Pediu desculpas e disse:
      -Traga de volta a marmita aqui e nós daremos outra a você!
      E o homem respondeu:
      -Eu já tentei. Mas ela saiu correndo e eu não consegui alcançá-la.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

  Quick food

     A man asked a lunch box without meat, but after a few minutes, he entered running back  the restaurant:
     -I met two little legs in my lunch box!
     The owner of the restaurant heard the complaint. He asked to be excused and said:
     -Bring back the lunch box here and we will give another one for you!
    And the man answered:
    -I already tried. But it left running away and I didn’t get to reach it.

(Osmar Batista Leal) 

Realidade e ficção

    No mês de natal, um homem comprou roupas de superman e um gorro do Papai Noel e ficou no centro da cidade tirando fotos com crianças até que apareceu um homem careca vestido de terno e parou em sua frente. O homem vestido de superman não conheceu o homem de terno e disse:
     -Eu tiro fotos apenas com crianças!
     O homem careca respondeu:
     -Você não está conhecendo Lex Luthor, seu arqui-inimigo? Eu não quero tirar fotos, mas eu quero lutar contra você!
     Alguns jornalistas vieram rapidamente para fotografar a luta, mas em suas fotos apareceu apenas o falso super herói caído e machucado. O verdadeiro vilão já havia ido embora.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

Reality and fiction

     In the month of Christmas, a man bought superman cloths and a Father Christmas hat and stayed in the centre of the city taking photos with the children until a bald man dressed in a suit appeared and stopped in front of him. The man dressing in superman clothes didn’t know the man dressing in suit and said:
     -I take photos only with children.
     The bald man answered:
     -Aren’t you Knowing Lex Luthor, your arch enemy? I don’t want to take photos, but I want to fight against you.
    Some journalists arrived quickly to photograph the fight, but only the untrue super hero that was fallen and hurt appeared in their photos. The true villain had already gone.

   (Osmar Batista Leal)   

domingo, 21 de dezembro de 2014

Jogo dos sapos

     Dois sapos pegaram (cada um deles, uma mosca), mas resolveram apostá-las num salto a altura. O sapo que saltou mais baixo segurou rapidamente as duas moscas, saltou para frente e disse:
     -Você venceu-me no salto em altura, mas terá que me alcançar no salto a distância se quiser pegar o seu prêmio!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)  
frog game 

    Two frogs got (each one of them, a fly), but dealt to bet them in a high jump. The frog that lost held quickly the two flies, jumped ahead and said:
     -You won me in the high jump, but you will have to reach me in the broad jump if you want to receive your reward.

   (Osmar Batista Leal) 

Chá de cogumelo

     Um homem afastou-se da cidade para o alto de uma montanha e gritou:
     -Deus, quem é você?
     E então uma voz respondeu:
     -Eu sou esta montanha, mas também sou a cidade de onde você veio...
     E o homem disse:
     -Então todo o caminho da cidade até aqui para te encontrar não seria necessário?
     E a voz continuou:
     -Eu sou o seu caminho, mas também sou você parado...
    O homem disse:
    -Deus, você está muito louco. Acho que você ingeriu uma substancia alucinógena para falar comigo!
    E a voz respondeu:
    -Na verdade, você foi quem ingeriu uma substancia alucinógena para tentar falar com Deus.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

Mushroom tea

     A man backed away from the city to the high of a mountain and screamed:
     -God, who are you?
     And a voice answered:
     -I am this mountain, but I am also the city where you came from…
     The man said:
    -Then all the way from the city until here wouldn’t be necessary to meet you?
     And the voice continued:
     -I am your way and I am also you when you are stopped…
     The man said:
     -God, you are very crazy! I think you ingested a hallucinogenic substance to talk with me.
     And the voice answered:
     -Indeed, you are who ingested a hallucinogenic substance to try talking with God.

    (Osmar Batista Leal)         

sábado, 20 de dezembro de 2014


     Os homens passam pela calçada e as pombas descem e veem as migalhas de sua comida. Mas a pomba observadora vê paralelepípedos:
     -Paralelepípedos vazios!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)


     The people pass on the sidewalk and the doves went down and see the crumbs of their food. But the observer dove sees the parallelepipeds:
     -Empty parallelepipeds!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)  

quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2014


     Um homem andou pela cidade e viu somente o caos. O homem afastou-se para o alto de uma montanha e pediu a Deus poderes para por o mundo em ordem.  
      E então um cavalo desceu do céu com uma foice entre os dentes e entregou ao homem enquanto uma voz dizia:
     -Eu sou o cavalo e a foice. Monte sobre mim e vá cortar todos os erros que se misturam às coisas certas. Mas quando você falhar eu derrubarei você, pisarei sobre seu corpo e deceparei sua própria cabeça!  
      O homem acordou do pesadelo, abriu a janela de seu quarto, olhou para a imensidão do céu e disse:
       -Talvez seja melhor eu procurar pela perfeição caminhando com meus próprios passos.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)


     A man walked through the city and saw only the chaos. The man backed away to the high of a mountain and asked God for powers to put the world in order.
     And then a horse went down from the sky with a scythe between the teeth, delivered it to the man while a voice said:
     -I am the horse and the scythe. Ride on my back and go to cut all the mistakes that mix among the right things. But when you miss I will floor you, step on your body and will cut your own head!
     The man woke up from nightmare, opened the window of his bedroom, looked at the hugeness of the space and said:
     -Maybe it would be better if I search for the perfection walking with my own steps.
  (Osmar Batista Leal)


quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2014

Supermercado 2

     Um casal de patos aproximou-se de uma caixa registradora de um supermercado com o carrinho cheio de compras e quando a jovem pata que trabalhava ali começou a somar os preços dos produtos, o pato perguntou para ela:
       -Você sabe por que a embalagem faz menos mal que o alimento industrializado?
     A jovem pata continuou somando sem dizer nada e a esposa do pato respondeu:
     -Porque a embalagem ninguém come!
     E então a jovem pata olhou para o carrinho de compras e perguntou aos patos:
    -Se vocês Sabem que a comida industrializada faz mal à saúde então por que encheram o carrinho?  
     A esposa do pato olhou para o pato e o pato respondeu para a jovem pata:
     -É para os nossos filhos!
     (Osmar Batista Leal)

Supermarket  2

     A couple of ducks approached a supermarket cash register with a cart filled of purchases and when the young duck that worked there started to ring up the products, the duck asked her:
     -Do you know why the packaging is less bad to health than the industrialized food?
     The young duck continued ringing up the purchases without saying anything and the duck’s wife answered:
     -Because nobody eats the packaging.
     And then the young duck looked at the purchase cart and asked the ducks:
     -If you know that the industrialized food is bad to health then why is your cart filled?
    The duck’s wife looked at the duck and the duck looked at the young cashier duck and said:
    -It is for our children!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)


segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2014


     Um casal de patos fazia compras em um supermercado. A esposa do pato enchia o carrinho enquanto o pato falava:
     - Você sabe que a embalagem faz menos mal para a saúde que a comida industrializada?
     A esposa do pato continuou colocando produtos no carrinho enquanto perguntou:  
     -Por quê?
     E seu marido respondeu:
     -A embalagem ninguém come.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)


     A couple of ducks made purchases in a supermarket. The ducks’ wife filled the cart while the duck said:
     -Do you know that the packaging is less bad for health than the industrialized food?
     The ducks’ wife continued putting products in the cart while she asked:
     And her husband answered:
     -Nobody eats the packaging.  
   (Osmar Batista Leal)    


domingo, 14 de dezembro de 2014

O corpo que não parava de dançar

     Um homem fechava os olhos para dormir, mas vinha uma pernilonga e picava-lhe até que ele começou a virar-se de um lado para o outro rapidamente cada vez que ouvia a música das asas da pernilonga. E então a pernilonga não conseguia mais picar seu alvo e pediu ajuda para seu marido:
     - Traga uma corda para amarrarmos esse corpo que não para de dançar!
     Mas o pernilongo era preguiçoso.
     - Não é mais fácil você parar de cantar?  
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

  The body that didn’t stop to dance
     A man closed his eyes to sleep, but a female mosquito came and stung him until he started to turn from  one side to other quickly each time he listened to the music of the wings of the female mosquito. And then the female mosquito didn’t get anymore to sting her target and asked her husband for help:
     - Bring a rope to we tie that body that doesn’t stop to dance!
     But the mosquito was lazy:
     -And if you stop to sing, isn’t it more easy?

 (Osmar Batista Leal) 

sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2014


   Uma nave tripulada por formigas de outro planeta sobrevoava uma populosa cidade no planeta terra estudando a propagação da espécie humana. Uma das formigas focou dois pontos sob sua observação, apertou um botão e trouxe uma amostra para o interior da nave. A formiga aproximou-se do homem e da mulher capturados e começou a fazer perguntas:
    -O que vocês e fazem?
    O homem respondeu:
    -Derrubamos árvores, envenenamos o solo onde plantamos nosso próprio alimento, poluímos o ar e comemos comida industrializada.
    A formiga extraterrestre não entendeu:
    -Se vocês apenas se destroem então como tem conseguido preservar a sua espécie?
    E então a mulher respondeu:
    -Nós fazemos sexo também.
  (Osmar Batista Leal)


     A spaceship manned by ants of other world flew over a populous city in the planet earth studying about the advance of the human species. One of the ants focused two points under her observation, played a button and brought two samples to the inside of the spaceship. The ant approached the man and the woman captured and started to make questions:
     -What do you make?
     The man answered:
     -We cut down trees, poison the ground where we plant our own food, pollute the air and eat industrialized food…
     The extraterrestrial ant didn’t understand:   
     -If you only destroy you then how you have got to preserve your species?
    Ant the woman answered:
    -We make sex too.
   (Osmar Batista Leal) 


segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2014

O machado

    Um homem chegou com seu machado para derrubar uma árvore e viu o ninho de um pássaro sobre um galho. O pássaro apareceu imediatamente e perguntou ao homem:   
     - Por que vai derrubar esta árvore se ela serve a mim e a você também?
     O homem ficou emocionado e respondeu:
     - Não se preocupe animalzinho. Quando eu fizer a minha casa no lugar desta árvore você também terá a sua gaiolinha!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

   The hatchet

     A man arrived with his hatchet to cut down a tree and saw the nest of a bird on a branch. The bird appeared immediately and asked the man:
     -Why are you going to cut down this tree if it serves me and serves you too?
     The man was thrilled and answered:
     -Don’t worry, little animal. When I make my house in the place of this tree, you also will have your little cage.

  (Osmar Batista Leal) 

domingo, 7 de dezembro de 2014

The passion of the snake

     The passion of the snake

     An alligator dreamed with a dragon with the mouth opened in front of him, entered, saw the way to the heaven and the way to the hell and created his own church.
     Several animals came. The snake waited in line and entered the opened mouth of the alligator, but when he closed his mouth, she repented and wanted to leave. The alligator masticated quickly, swallowed and said:
     - There isn’t place for two churches in this forest.
    But after the alligator ate the repented snake, he felt nauseated and threw up his food. The snake left of the middle of the vomit and answered:
      - What I saw and felt was something that I wouldn’t know to describe. Therefore, since today, I would like only to live my life.
(Osmar Batista Leal)  

        A PAIXÃO DA COBRA , versão em português, desta fábula você encontra no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor. 

quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2014


     Lice from several different heads came to the talk of a famous and controversial louse. And in the moment of the questions, a louse raised his hand and said:
     -Do you say that all the lice think equal?
     The talker louse confirmed and the louse of the audience continued questioning:
     -Then do you think that I, a louse that comes jumping from head to head because my hosts use estrange products on their hairs, have the same thought than a louse that live tranquilly on the peaceful head of someone who either washes his hair?
     And then the talker louse answered:
     -All the lice think equal. The circumstances are what change!
  (Osmar Batista Leal)  

     "As circunstâncias", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se n livro "A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU" à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.         

segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014


     A mouse and a cockroach disputed a race. The cockroach passed the mouse and the mouse took a gun from his suitcase, killed the cockroach and won the race. But other cockroach said:     
     -You shot in the back!
     And the mouse answered:
     -How could I shut in the front if I didn’t get passed her?
  (Osmar Batista Leal) 
       "A CORRIDA ENTRE O RATO E A BARATA", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro "A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU" à venda no clube de autores ou com o autor.

sábado, 29 de novembro de 2014

The consuming

     A little louse grew up and became a big consuming. 

   (Osmar Batista Leal)

     "O consumidor", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.  


   Two louses that were indignant with the chaotic reality in what their society lived drank a bottle of blood in a bar while they mocked the own situation. One of them asked:
    -Do you know the difference between the political louse and the thief louse?
    The other louse said nothing and the louse answered his own question:
    -The thief louse is honest!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)  

  "A diferença entre o político e o ladrão", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

Relationship site

      A frog put a profile of a male fly in a relationship site and started to talk with a female fly. The female fly was interested in meeting him and asked for a photo. The frog sent the photo of a frog with the mouth opened and the female fly became scared:
     -Is that your photo?
     But the frog answered:
     -Of course not. That is the photo of the place where we can meet us!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)    

   "Site de realacionamentos", a versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor. 

quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2014


    A raven created a religion and called the doves to divulge his church:
   -Go and spread the good news to the four corners of the world.
   But one of the doves asked:
   -And if after all the animals already know your church, only half of them to accept it?
   And then the raven answered:
   -In that case, I will have to increase the tithe to twenty percent.
  (Osmar Batista Leal)   

   "A boa notícia", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sábado, 22 de novembro de 2014


     A man finished to eat and went to cover the pan. But the lid on the range belonged to a bigger pan. The man looked at the table, on the sink and in the cupboard and he didn’t see the specific lid. And then he decided:
   -I am going to cover this pan with that lid until its own lid appears.
   And so that the man took the bigger lid, he discovered the smaller lid that was under it.

   (Osmar Batista leal)

   "Não estamos aqui para encobrir, mas para descobrir", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.      

quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014


The father of a sloth asked him:
   -How are your studies going?
   The little sloth answered:
   -I got an A in all the subjects.
   The father didn’t believe, went to the school and asked the teacher Laggard:
    -Did my son get an A in your subject?
    And the teacher Laggard answered:
    -The little sloth isn’t coming to the school…Only if is A of absent!

  (Osmar Batista Leal) 

   "O bicho-preguiça que tirou 10 na escola", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

domingo, 16 de novembro de 2014


   A nightingale went to consult with the cowbird who was a doctor. The nightingale told him that he felt some pains and the cowbird prescribed him the drugs. The nightingale looked at the prescription and said:
    -I still didn’t specify where I feel pains and you already prescribed the drugs!
   And then the cowbird said:
   -If you want to talk I give you the address of the owl who is a psychologist.

  (Osmar Batista Leal) 

   "O rouxinol e o chupim-vira-bosta" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


   A man in his apartment with the window opened was nervous:
   I can’t to leave home: The doves enter my apartment!
   And then a dove entered through the window saying:
   -Don’t worry. I mind your house.
   And the man answered:
   -The last time I left home you said me the same thing, but when I returned all your friends were here inside!  
 (Osmar Batista Leal)

 "A multiplicação das pombas" versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2014


   A widow woman bought a chest of drawers in a shop of antiquities and met the photo of a man inside a drawer.
    The woman left the unknown photo in the same drawer and went to sleep thinking to come back to the shop next day and return the photo, but she woke up in the middle of the night with the drawer opening sound. She lighted the lamp and saw the photo on the floor near her bed.
    She housed the photo, turned off the light and tried to sleep again. And then the drawer opened by itself for the second time.
    The woman lighted the lamp and the photo was near her pillow. She put the photo in the drawer and closed it firmly saying:
    -Stay there inside!
    But the drawer opened in front of her and an unknown voice answered:
    -Only if you stay here with me!
    In that moment the bottom drawer also opened and the voice of the husband that had died screamed:
    -Back away from the chest of drawers of my wife, damned soul! Or I will take you to the hell and return you to the devil!

   (Osmar Batista Leal)   

quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2014


   In an afternoon, two doves talked in a park when a band of butterflies passed flying over them. But suddenly the clouds started to be dark, the female dove perceived that the butterflies were coming back and she was scared:  
   -What is happening?
   And the male dove answered quietly:
   -It is going to rain.
   The female dove continued:
   -But why the butterflies are coming back?
   And the male dove said:
   -They are going to get their umbrellas.

   (Osmar Batista Leal) 

      "As borboletas estão voltando", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sábado, 8 de novembro de 2014


      An armadillo with insomnia took his violin and started to play. The hens that were his neighbors woke up in the middle of the night with the sound and complained to the cock. The cock went to the house of the armadillo and said:
   -I am going to break that violin on your head. So you get to sleep and me and the hens also get.

   (Osmar Batista Leal)

    "A insônia do tatu", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro a PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2014


   A man that lived in a hut on a hill woke up in the middle of the night hearing strange and different screams:
   -We are walking to the edge of the precipice!
   -Who will join together with us?
   -Who will follow us?
   The man had a big will to leave home, but controlled himself. He hadn’t courage to open the window, but looked through a crevice and saw a herd of pigs running down on the road. And then the man concluded:
   -The exorcism has started!

   (Osmar Batista Leal)  

     "A saída", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2014


      A Turkey that was stuck in the bag of the Father Christmas wrote a letter to the little old man:
   -In this Christmas I want to receive one more year of life.
   And the good little old man answered:
   -One family already asked me to eat a turkey in this Christmas, but if you get two turkeys to me, I can give you the gift that you are asking me.
   The turkey wrote another letter asking:
   -Why do you want two turkeys if the family wants to eat only one turkey?
   And then the little old man who had a big bag answered with other question:
   -How do you think I would keep my big bag if I don’t aim for profits in my deal?
  (Osmar Batista Leal)
     "O velhinho do saco", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2014


   The female cat, the male cat, the little cats and the monkey

   A cat knew that your girlfriend was pregnant and left home. And when the female cat already had given birth to the little cats, she discovered that their father frequented the Monkey’s bar.
   The female cat took her little cats, went to the Monkey’s bar, met the cat drinking, presented him the little children and asked for help. The cat looked at the eight little cats, after he looked at the monkey and said:
   -Serve one glass of milk for each one of them.
   But the monkey answered:
   -I don’t sell milk here in my bar!
  The cat looked at the eight little cats again, after he looked at the monkey and said:
   -Then serve one glass of vodka for each one of them.
   But the monkey answered:
   -I don’t sell alcoholic drinks to minors.
   And then the cat looked at the female cat and said:
   -As you saw, I would like to help. But you will have to continue wanting me until you meet me in another place.

   (Osmar Batista Leal)  

  "A gata, o gato, os gatinhos e o macaco" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

domingo, 2 de novembro de 2014


     A frog stopped in front of traffic lights, waited for the green light and started to cross the street. But a car didn’t see that he was crossing, didn’t respect the light and passed on the frog.
   The soul of the dead frog met in the hereafter with his mother that was also dead and asked:
   -What did I do wrong, mother?
   And then the dead mother of the dead frog answered:
   You followed the laws of the men more than the laws of the nature.

  (Osmar Batista Leal) 

    "A mãe morta do sapo morto" versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sábado, 1 de novembro de 2014



   A chick was spurned by a hen because he was still very small to please her. The chick was nervous, went to the street and met a dove. The dove heard the sad history of the chick and said:
   -And why don’t you eat the feed that the men give to the chicks grow faster?
   And then the chick answered:
   -I am nervous because I already ate it and now I don’t want to be eaten by the men before I become a cock.

   (Osmar Batista Leal)   

     "O pinto nervoso", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


   The teacher Laggard delivered a sheet with ten questions to his pupils. The little owl looked to the paper and asked:
   -In your classes who must be more interested in learning, teacher Laggard?
   The teacher Laggard answered:
   -You must be more interested in learning because I am already graduated.
   And the little owl asked another question:
   -Then why are you who ask the bigger number of questions?

(Osmar Batista Leal)           

    "A criança questionadora" ,versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014


   A chick entered nervously the Monkey’s bar, went to a corner of the counter, called the monkey and told him:
   -I was spurned by a hen because I am still very small…
   But the monkey interrupted him with another sad history:
   -I don’t sell alcoholic drinks to underage!

  (Osmar Batista Leal) 

    "A longa noite da infância" ,versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


    Two little young female birds sat on a sidewalk, heard the sound from a car passing on the street and started to dance. Two birds that were on an electric cable observed the phenomenon and one of them said:
   -It is inevitable to hear the music from the trend of the men, but we needn’t to dance it.
   And the other bird answered:
   -If our parents hadn’t built nests on tall trees to educate us, we would be also suffering that same influence now!

  (Osmar Batista leal)    

   "As passariinhas" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2014

Osmar Batista Leal and the another dog

     Osmar Batista Leal and the another dog

   Osmar Batista Leal was passing in front of the gate of a house when a dog came barking. Osmar Batista Leal stopped in front of the gate and said:
   -To bark is good to express our condition of dominated life, my friend. But to write fables is better!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

     "Osmar Batista Leal e o outro cachorro" versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2014


   A monkey had a bar and served a magic drink that did to forget the problems. An owl who was psychologist went to the bar and asked for a bottle of that drink. The monkey served the bottle and asked:
    -Today do you want to forget your problems, my friend?
    And the owl answered:
    -Today I want to forget the problems of the others!  

     (Osmar Batista Leal) 

   Un mono tenía un bar y servía bebida mágica que hacía olvidar de los problemas. Un búho que era psocologo se fué a el bar y le pedió una botella de esa bebida. El mono la servió y dijo: 
     -Hoy quieres olvidar sus problemas, amiga? 
     El búho respondió: 
     -Hoy quiero olvidar los problemas de otros!
   (Traduzido em espanhol por: Nelinha C. Bury)

    "Esqueça!", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2014


   A dragon of seven heads went to see the owl who was psychologist:
   -I am suffering a conflict among my seven heads. One of them wants to do anything, the other doesn’t help and the third head destroys what is already done.
   And the own answered:
   -Give credit to the head that wants make and so you will build your sureness with your mistakes and hits…
   But the dragon interrupted:
   But the worst are the other four heads that simply prefer will vote in the dinosaur that will came back to put their order.
   The owl heard the dragon and said:
   -Your problem is very complex… We have to schedule other doctor’s visit for next week.
   And then the dragon answered:
   -In the next week the dinosaur will be already elected!

  (Osmar Batista Leal)  

     "O dragão de sete cabeças contra os dinossauros" versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

domingo, 19 de outubro de 2014


   A dragon of seven heads entered the monkey’s bar and asked for six bottles of vodka. The monkey served the six bottles, but asked the dragon:
   -Won’t one of your heads drink, my friend?
   And the dragon answered:
   -One of them is going to came back driving.
   (Osmar Batista Leal)

   "As cabeças" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


   A chick entered a hen house, approached a hen and said timidly:
   -I fell in love with you!
   And the hen laughed and answered scandalously:
   -First, grow up!
   (Osmar Batista Leal)     

    Un pollito entró em el gallinero, se acrecó de una gallina y dijo tímidamente: 
    -Estoy enamorado de ti!
     Pero la gallina sonrió y le respondió escandalosamente:
     -Primero crezca!
        ( Traduzido em espanhol por: Nelinha C. Bury)    

   "O pinto apaixonado", versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.


   A man entered the monkey’s bar together with a dove. The man asked the monkey for “water the birds don’t drink”. The monkey looked at the drunken face of the dove and asked the man:  
   -Is it only for you, my friend?
   And the man answered:
   -It is only for the dove. I drink only mineral water.
  (Osmar Batista Leal)

 "O homem e a pomba", a versão em portugûes desta fábula encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.

sábado, 18 de outubro de 2014


      At a table in the monkey’s bar, two bats discussed about politics. One of them said while the other bat drank:
   -And now that the dragon of the seven heads that would throw fire against the corruption in Brazil burned his own heads the dinosaurs will dominate our country again with their politics of footing over the smaller animals.
   The other bat emptied his glass and interrupted:
   -That your long speech angers me. Indeed, the wheel of the suffering    always spins in the same place.
   The bat also finished to drink his glass and contested:
   -The problem isn’t that my speech is long, but is the lack of a new element in the cycle of the History…
   And then the other bat hit with one of the bottles against the table and screamed:
   -The problem is the lack of the wine in our glasses!
   The monkey behind the counter looked at the empty bottles on the table of the bats and answered:
   -Wait a moment, my friends. Aren’t you seeing that the bar is full?       

 (Osmar Batista Leal) 

     "No bar do macaco", a versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.