sábado, 7 de junho de 2014


   A night, a boy stayed playing with his ball in a field far away from city centre of Curitiba after his friends went home. A man appeared in front of him and stole his ball. The man said that he was God and made him a proposal:
   -If you hold my ball, I will make you become a famous soccer player.
   The boy looked at his ball between the God’s feet and asked:
   -What will happen if I don’t hold it?
   -You will have to pray ten our fathers and a hundred hail Marys. –God answered, preparing to kick.
   -There is not another chance to become me rich and famous. –The boy thought and positioned between the goal posts.
    God pretended that would kick to his left, but kicked to his right. The trick was perceived by the boy that jumped to the right direction. But the ball stopped in the air, waited for the boy to come back to the floor and passed.
   The boy’s loss scream was heard by his mother that came to his bedroom and lighted the lamp. The mother saw her son waking from a nightmare and said:
   -Didn’t I say you to pray before to sleep?
(Osmar Batista Leal)

  "Deus veio para Curitiba", versão em português da fábula acima, está no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU,  à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor do livro.

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