Teacher Laggard saw the empty basket and the
waste spread between the desks and then solved to surprise their pupils. He
left the classroom and went to call the principal Laggard. But when they came,
they noticed something on the door.
Principal Laggard pushed slowly the door
ajar while teacher Laggard got the basket on it and they entered. The principal Laggard looked at the pupils, pointed to the waste basket that the teacher held
and said:
-I don’t want to know who prepared this trap
on the door for us, but I want to congratulate who gathered all the waste in
the basket.
(Osmar Batista Leal)
"Jogos escolares", versão em português desta fábula está no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.
(Osmar Batista Leal)
"Jogos escolares", versão em português desta fábula está no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES ou com o autor.
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