O professor Cágado entrou na sala de aula
e o tatuzinho, o único aluno que estava ali, disse:
-Os outros estão lá fora caçando Pokemons.
Professor Cágado largou seu material na mesa e respondeu:
-E eu tenho que caçar alunos!
E na próxima turma o professor teve outra
surpresa. A sala estava cheia apenas de criaturinhas.
-Onde estão meus alunos?
E então os monstrinhos responderam:
-Eles estão nos procurando. Não conte que
nós estamos aqui!
(Osmar Batista Leal)
Teacher Laggard entered the classroom and the
little armadillo, the only pupil that was there, said:
-The other pupils are outside catching Pokemons.
Teacher Larggard put his material on the
table and answered:
-And I will have to catch pupils!
And in the next class, the teacher had
another surprise. The classroom was full of only little creatures:
-Where are my pupils?
And then the little monsters answered:
-They are looking for us. Don’t tell that
we are here!
(Osmar Batista Leal)
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