A boy, in a library, opened a book. In the middle of the book there was a little termite. The little creature became surprised and began to run. But the boy asked:
-Which personage are you?
The little termite stopped and said:
-I began to eat books there is little time. I still don’t understand the human language.
The boy didn’t get to interpret what he heard. He closed the book and said:
-I think I need to start by the beginning of the story! )
Texto: Osmar Batista Leal
A versão em português desta fábula está no livro "Cidade das pulgas"
An owl observeda group of animals following a star and started to follow the group. The star took everybody to the birth of a little sheet. The animals approached the little sheet full of hope, but the owl thought:
“It is only a little sheet that will grow and will be subordinated by the politics of the animals"
The owl flew in silence,saw another group of animals following the same star and followed them too. The star took the new group to another birth. Everybody approached a little goat full of hope, but the owl thought:
"It is only a little goat that will grow and will be sacrificated by the politics of the animals"
The owl flew again and saw no one else following the star, but observed that the star continued on its way.
Texto: Osmar Batista Leal
A versão em português desta fábula encontra-se no livro "Cidade das pulgas"
Focrório! É focrório coisa nenhuma! Eu quero que essa lampia que tálumiando tudo nóis caia na cabeça de tudo o ceis se o que vou contar não for verdade.
Tão derrubando tudo que é arve pra fazer prédio.Vai ficar um dia que os animarzinho menor não vão ter pra onde correr...
E o pobrema é que eu tava bem sossegado lá na minha casa, ouvindo o canto dos pássaro que rimava com o baruio do rio quando uma marsupialinha entrou correndo e se instalou-sedebaixo da minha cama.
-Saia daí ! -eu xinguei.
-Será que eu to falando em ingreis que esse animar não me escuita? –xinguei de novo, já cutucando a desinfilizcom o cabo de vassoura. A mardiçoenta nem se mexia do lugar, mas liberava um odor que eu não tava güentando mais... Fui obrigado a agir de outra manera.
Peguei meu celular e liguei pro meu amigo estudado que mora lá nos Estados Unido. Esse meu amigo é especialista no assunto. Ele é formado sabe no que? Gambalogia.
E ele me mandou pra mim no meu emelho a expricação de um procedimento pro bicho ir embora pra casa dele:
-Sit in your bed and start to eat one bread. Let to fall some brans on the floor. Get up and walk to the door . Make a way of brans from the bed to the door and open the door. The female Skunk is going to follow the way of brans and will pass through the door.
Essas palavra esquisita tão estragando a prosa. Acho meior eu contar o que tava escrito no emelho com o meu próprio linguajar:
Dizia pra mim me sentar me na cama e comer pão. Deixar cair farelo no soaio. Levantar e ir pra porta. Fazer um risco de farelo que vá da cama até na porta e abrir a porta. A marsupialinha iria seguir o risco de farelo e sair pra fora... Não deu certo. O bicho não tava com fome. Tava com vontade de fazer outra coisa...
Eu arrespondi pro meu amigo do Estados Unido, no indioma dele mesmo, o siguinte:
The female skank didn’t follow the way of brans but it exhaled an insupportablesmell. And another skunk passed through the door. One male skank came from the door to the bed.
A marsupialinha não seguiu o risco de farelo. Mas ela exalou um chero insuportave. E outro gambazinho entrou pra drento da porta. Veio cumendo farelo de pão e se instalo-se debaixo da cama também.
E eu ainda finarziei com mais otro emelho pro meu amigo dos Estados Unido:
And now the female Skank with the male skank are greeding under my bed…
E agora a marsupialinha com o marsupialinho tão se marsupialando-se debaxo da minha cama.
Texto: Osmar Batista Leal ( versão de um conto folclórico, de domínio público )
A mosca voa. A aranha sabe fazer teias. Se as duas juntassem suas habilidades poderiam fazer algo que fizesse com que fossem vistas de maneira menos desprezível na natureza.
Durante a noite, uma mosca pensou sobre isso. Elaborou e digitou um projeto de parceria. De manhã, resolveu descer até a casa da aranha para propor a ideia.
Quando ela estava chegando perto ficou presa na teia. A aranha preparou-se para o ataque, mas a moscaentregou-lhe o projeto e disse desesperadamente:
-Por favor, leia e analise o meu plano:
A aranha pegou o texto e respondeu:
- Talvez eu leia, depois que tomar meu café da manhã!
( the project of the fly
The fly flies. The spider knows to make web. But Every one of them is seen by a contemptible way. If they join their abilities they could to make something to change that reality.
During the night, a fly thought about that. She elaborated and wrote a project of partnership. In the morning, she decided to seek the spider and propose her idea.
When the fly was near the spider home she stayed entangled in the web. The spider prepared to attack, but the fly delivered her project to the spider and said desperately:
The anteater met a single ant carrying a large piece of leaf and said:
-I would like to show you how much I am a good anteater. I won’t eat you but I will help you carry the piece of leaf to your anthill.
But the ant knew what the anteater really wanted. And so she lied:
-I am not going to the anthill but I am escaping because I stole from my colony this piece of leaf. If you want help me, stay here and eat all the army ants that is pursuing me.
The anteater liked the idea. The ant run while he prepared his long narrow snout to wait the another ants. )
Texto: Osmar Batista Leal
Versão em português no livro "CIDADE DAS PULGAS" . Editora CRV
The girl opened the refrigerator and she caught a guava. But when she went to bite the fruit for the third time, she met the worm. And then she threw the guava and the worm together through the window of her house…
On the street, the boy that went to the school with a problem went struck by the solution. The lost guava reached his forehead, it slid on the face and felt. But the worm of the guava entered in the nose of the boy.
The boy drew out the worm of his nose, he look at the small creature and said:
-You saved me of my teacher ! I needed to take a little
animal to contribute with the school science fair and I was taking nothing )
The man that read only book carried over his shoulders two heavy knapsacks. He carried one knapsack to his survival and he carried another knapsack just because he was an obedient man.)
Luciano saw eight little fish swuimming to the earthworm. But he was the fastest fish in the river Passaúna. He surpassed everybody , he arrived at the earthworm first and…