domingo, 28 de setembro de 2014



     A woman walking on XV street was approached by a hungry man dressed in an overcoat and a hat that told her a sad story:
  -Every day when I ate a pastel, a dove came to eat the crumbs that fell on the floor, but yesterday I ate two pastels and the dove didn’t appear. And today, the owner of the snack bar was nervous. He didn’t serve me a pastel and said that called the police because nobody paid the last pastels that I ate…
    The woman was touched, gave money to the man that returned running to the snack bar with the coins in his hand. The owner of the snack bar served the detective of XV street, but when the detective bit his pastel had a surprise:
   -This isn’t a chicken pastel, but a dove pastel!

  (Osmar Batista Leal) 

   "Fim do mystério da rua XV" , versão em português desta fábula, encontra-se no livro A PERSEVERANÇA DO TATU, à venda no CLUBE DE AUTORES, ou com o autor. 

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