Quando o ônibus parou e abriu a porta, o
elefante permaneceu parado, atrapalhando a entrada dos outros animais. O ônibus
que já estava atrasado fechou a porta e saiu.
E então a cobra que estava no final da
fila ficou indignada:
-É o quinto ônibus que nós perdemos, só porque
o elefante quer ir sentado.
(Osmar Batista Leal)
The snake and the elephant
When the bus stopped and opened the door,
the elephant stood still, hindering the entry of the other animals. The bus
that was already late closed the door and left.
And then the snake that was at the end of
the line was indignant:
-We already lost five buses just because
the elephant wants to go sitting!
(Osmar Batista Leal)
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