Dois lagartos bebiam cerveja na mesa de um bar enquanto conversavam. Um deles disse:
-Um dia os dinossauros ressuscitarão e dominarão o mundo novamente. Eles vão acabar com a bagunça dos homens...
O outro lagarto bebeu toda a cerveja de seu copo, chamou o garçom, pediu mais uma garrafa de cerveja e disse para o seu amigo:
-Até que esse dia chegue, nós tentaremos acabar com a cerveja deste bar.
( Division of tasks
Two lizards drank beer at the table of a bar while they talked. One of them said:
-One day the dinosaurs will resuscitate and will dominate the world again. And they are going to finish with the disorder of the men…
The another lizard drank all the beer of his glass, called the waiter , asked one more bottle of beer and said to his friend:
-Until that day arrives, we will try to finish with the beer of this bar.)
(Osmar Batista Leal)
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