Um coelho queria aprender a botar ovos de chocolate. No ensino Fundamental, um professor disse que ele aprenderia no ensino médio. No ensino médio, outro professor disse que ele deveria ter aprendido isso no ensino fundamental. Na universidade, o coelho teve a seguinte resposta:
-Apenas os coelhos artísticos botam ovos de chocolate!
O coelho questionou:
-Professor. Se desde as séries iniciais, a escola dissesse-nos que coelhos não botam, não seria mais simples?
E o professor respondeu:
-O que é mais simples dá menos lucro para os nossos consumidores!
(Osmar Batista Leal)
School for all the rabbits
A rabbit wanted to learn how to lay chocolate eggs. In the fundamental teaching, a teacher said that he would learn it in the medium teaching. In the medium teaching, another teacher said that he should have learned it in the fundamental teaching. In the university the rabbit heard the following answered:
A rabbit wanted to learn how to lay chocolate eggs. In the fundamental teaching, a teacher said that he would learn it in the medium teaching. In the medium teaching, another teacher said that he should have learned it in the fundamental teaching. In the university the rabbit heard the following answered:
-Only the artistic rabbits lay chocolate eggs!
The rabbit questioned:
-Teacher. If since the initial series, the school said us that the rabbits don’t lay, wouldn’t it be more simple?
And the teacher answered:
And the teacher answered:
-That what is more simple gives less profit for our consumers!
(Osmar Batista Leal)
Outros textos:
-Violência simbólica
-No conforto da toca
-Os cães insensíveis
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